Public Outreach

Keeping the public informed of mosquito and virus activity in our district is an important part of our programs. We use a variety of methods to reach out to the public such as news releases, radio spots, newspaper articles, printed materials, presentations, and participating in community events.
Outreach provides us the opportunity to interact with the residents in our district, keep them informed about how to prevent mosquito breeding, and reduce their exposure to mosquitoes and virus activity in our area.
The district works with the Stanislaus County Vector Borne Disease Task Force in partnership with the Stanislaus County Health Services Agency, Eastside Mosquito Abatement District, and others to increase communication and public awareness.
Some outreach examples include:
- classroom presentations to students.
- Presentions to community groups
- Interactions with the public at street fairs, farmer markets, or other community events
- Door to Door handouts of literature (English and Spanish)
- Advertisements